Friday, March 20, 2015

Tracii Guns: Remembering Randy Rhoads

Tickets go on sale tomorrow, 3/21/2015,  for a truly legendary event here in Pittsburgh.

SuperMonkey Recording Company is promoting Randy Rhoads Remembered with some exceptional artists to remember late guitar player, Randy Rhoads, who played with Quiet Riot and Ozzy Osbourne before dying in a plane crash at the age of 25; which was 33 years ago yesterday. 

The artists coming together for this tribute event have all been impacted by Rhoads personally. Brian Tichy, creator of Randy Rhoads Remembered, will be on drums and has worked with Whitesnake, Billy Idol, Ozzy, Foreigner, Slash and Zakk Wylde. Rudy Sarzo will be on bass and he also worked alongside Ozzy, Quiet Riot, White Snake and Queensryche. Kelle Rhoads will be doing vocals and is a family ambassador for Randy. Dewey Bragg is another vocalist and sings for bands Kill Devil Hill and Moth. Stephen Leblanc, keyboardist, from Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience will be there as well. Phil X, Marzi Montazeri, Mike Orlando and other soon to be announced special guests will also be in attendance. 

I had the privilege of talking to Tracii Guns, guitarist from LA Guns and Devil City Angels, who will be playing guitar on this special night. 

(photo from Tracii Gun's Facebook)
Tracii didn't personally know Randy Rhoads, but he feels like he did. "I remember being in grade school and riding in the truck with my dad and hearing Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' for the first time and thinking how unbelievable Randy's guitar part was and knowing I had to hear more," Guns reminisced.

Tracii had started playing guitar at the age of 6, but hearing Randy made him even more hungry to get better.
"I heard his live show and recorded it on a cassette and practiced guitar every day. He was my inspiration," said Guns.

Brian Tichy started the Randy Rhoads Remembered shows and this will be the first one in Pittsburgh. Tracii has a few memories of playing in the steel city in the 1980's with his former band, LA Guns.                                           
"My memories of Pittsburgh are good and bad, just like the weather there," Tracii joked. His favorite memory, however, involves a dive bar downtown and meeting a Playboy Bunny there when he was 22.

You can expect a lot of hard rock at the tribute show. But plan on feeling some good energy too. "I don't want to play these shows just to mimic his sound, I want to mimic his soul. He was such an energetic performer," Guns told me.

(photo from Tracii Guns Facebook)
I saw on Tracii's Facebook that he likes to choose a guitar pick out of his "pick jar" when he sits down to practice. I asked if he could estimate how many guitar picks he has and he said, "Picture your uncle or dad's coin jar, I have that but with guitar picks. I have picks in that jar that belonged to people from Keith Richards to Jimmy Paige."

#ToriOnTourTopics with Tracii Guns

1. What is one thing you can't leave home without?
"Besides my phone and guitar, I can't travel without this little blender I have. I enjoy eating healthy and that keeps me balanced."

2. What's currently on repeat on your iPod?
"Always Led Zeppelin. Always."

3. When touring, do you prefer the window or the aisle seat and why?
"Window because I can sleep against it. I hate flying so when my eyes are closed, it's better."

Tracii's current band, Devil City Angels, will be touring a lot in the coming months and are currently working on new music. Be sure to check them out on Facebook and don't miss the Randy Rhoads Remembered show at Altar Bar in Pittsburgh on May 28th. Tickets are available at ILoveSuperMonkey.Com

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Friday the 13th Flashback

The only thing that's going to be scary this upcoming Friday the 13th, is how these tributes bands truly resemble their idols.

Next Friday, March 13th at Crossroads in Garland, New Jersey, four tribute bands will be showcasing their talent.

I've been a fan of the Incubus tribute band for about a year since we found each other on social media and I reviewed some of their work.  They are a talented and down to earth group of guys, so I'm very excited to see their stuff live, especially now that they have added a DJ to their group to mix tracks like DJ Kilmore does for Incubus.
Check out their soundcloud and like them on Facebook. And if you can't make the trip in the next few months to see Incubus in Asia- head out to Crossroads in Garwood, NJ because Enjoy Incubus Tribute is the next best thing!

I'm also super excited to see Spiral Out, the Tool tribute because that's a band that I love but have never had the opportunity to see live. I watched a few of their videos on YouTube and they are damn close to the real thing. Phil Timpson on vocals really captivates the sound of Keenan.

Other bands performing that night will be Lounge Act a Nirvana Tribute band and Sixx Seconds to Mars, a tribute to Motley Crue. 

Stay tuned to my blog after the show next week where I will be reviewing their live performances.