Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Friday the 13th Flashback

The only thing that's going to be scary this upcoming Friday the 13th, is how these tributes bands truly resemble their idols.

Next Friday, March 13th at Crossroads in Garland, New Jersey, four tribute bands will be showcasing their talent.

I've been a fan of the Incubus tribute band for about a year since we found each other on social media and I reviewed some of their work.  They are a talented and down to earth group of guys, so I'm very excited to see their stuff live, especially now that they have added a DJ to their group to mix tracks like DJ Kilmore does for Incubus.
Check out their soundcloud and like them on Facebook. And if you can't make the trip in the next few months to see Incubus in Asia- head out to Crossroads in Garwood, NJ because Enjoy Incubus Tribute is the next best thing!

I'm also super excited to see Spiral Out, the Tool tribute because that's a band that I love but have never had the opportunity to see live. I watched a few of their videos on YouTube and they are damn close to the real thing. Phil Timpson on vocals really captivates the sound of Keenan.

Other bands performing that night will be Lounge Act a Nirvana Tribute band and Sixx Seconds to Mars, a tribute to Motley Crue. 

Stay tuned to my blog after the show next week where I will be reviewing their live performances. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks much for the support Tori... Hopefully see you at the show!

